VSH Shurjoint Ring Joint
Shurjoint ring joint, shouldered and plain end couplings are non-grooved mechanical pipe joining components and excellent alternatives where pipe is difficult to groove or when grooving is not the preferred method. The processing of a roll groove on pipe becomes more difficult as the pipe O.D. and or wall thickness increases. Roll grooving pipe larger than 14” (350 mm) requires proper tools and equipment. Pipe having a wall thickness greater than 0.375” (9.5 mm) may not be practical to roll groove.

Ring Joint Coupling The Shurjoint ring joint coupling provides a much more secure joint than a comparable roll-grooved system, simply because the contact area of the rings is much greater than that of the roll-groove profile. In addition, the welded rings are able to withstand 2 – 3 times the shearing forces of roll grooves. High pressure couplings up to 3770 psi (260 Bar) are available.
Ring Joint Fittings Shurjoint offers a full range of ring joint fittings for use with Model R-88 ring joint couplings.
• 8” – 16” (200 mm – 400 mm) Models RJ-10, RJ-11 & RJ-60 and Model RJ-20 are available in cast ductile iron to ASTM A536 Gr. 65-45-12.
• Larger sizes are made of carbon steel standard weight pipe, ASTM A53 Gr. B or equivalent, or fabricated from wrought carbon steel of the equivalent properties.
• Other configurations are also available upon request. Contact Shurjoint for details.